Ruben Odegard

Full Stack Developer

Self-taught developer based in Oslo.

Available for full-time work in April.

Featured Projects

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Me, myself & I

As a self-taught developer, I'm attempting take a step into a new career field that aligns with my longstanding passion for web development. As of now, I am balancing my current full time employment, studies and and programming, together with other hobbies. My personal projects have been a source of self-learning, problem-solving, and curiosity, and my open source projects in my portfolio showcases how I structure and work with code. As any developer, I spend a whole lot of time creating solutions to my own simple problems, just to see if I can solve it.

I like learning new technological tools and am a strong advocate for using the right tools for the job at hand. Everything becomes a bit easier when you understand that it's about how you absorb information and process it to create practical solutions for problem-solving.

Web development is something I am deeply passionate about, and I am ready to take on new challenges.

When I'm not glued to a screen, you'll find me in the bouldering walls at climbing centers around Oslo or running through the streets in search of better fitness.

CSS Icon
Tailwind Icon
Javascript Icon
Reactjs Icon
Nextjs Icon
Python Icon
Planetscale Icon
MongoDB Icon
MySQL Icon
PostgreSQL Icon
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Github Icon
Docker Icon
Markdown Icon

Activity Monitor

A quick overview of my current and upcoming activities, either recently completed, ongoing or planned for the near future.

  • CS50 Introduction to Computer Science
    Harvard: Online Course

    Acquire a strong foundation in computer science, programming, and key concepts. Gain proficiency in languages like C, Python, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

  • Interactivity and Design
    OsloMet: Campus and Online Course

    Explore the principles of interactivity in design. Create engaging and user-friendly experiences through thoughtful design choices.

  • The Odin Project
    Erik Trautman: Online Course

    The Odin Project is an open-source curriculum for learning web development. It provides free, high-quality resources and a supportive community for self-learners.


In the future, there are several courses and certifications that I have a particular interest in completing and delving into in my own time.

  • CS50x - Introduction to Computer Science
    Harvard: Online Course

  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate
    Amazon: Online Course

  • Google UX Design Certificate
    Google: Online Course